The Korean Factory for Modern Industries specializes in manufacturing alternative UPVC panels for truss sheets that are compatible with international standards using the latest advanced technology and that meet the needs of its customers with the highest quality and accuracy. We value quality and are fully committed to providing our customers with high-quality UPVC panels not only to meet their requirements but also to continually exceed their expectations and maintain the success of our factory. The quality control program in the Korean factory ensures that all necessary procedures are taken to achieve the highest possible quality, which ensures that the customer receives the best product of the highest quality. .
Our vision is to reach the furthest extent in the field of manufacturing and to satisfy our customers under the motto "Always the Best." We continuously strive to achieve innovation and quality in our products and services to ensure our customers' satisfaction and exceed their expectations.
Our mission is to provide UPVC panels as an eco-friendly alternative to corrugated iron sheets, used for covering trusses, metal canopies, and warehouses. We value quality and precision in everything we do, and strive to supply the Egyptian market with global products that meet customer needs with the highest quality standards.
We manufacture UPVC panels from UPVC materials with environmentally friendly chemical additives imported from abroad, and made by Korean and German chemical experts. These panels are used as an alternative to sheet metal in covering trusses, factories, metal canopies, warehouses, and open markets. UPVC panels feature four layers of sun protection, UV-resistant, heat-insulating, electrically insulating, sound-proofing, and resistant to acids, corrosion, salts, and moisture, making them strong, durable, and flexible.